
Hosting a food drive is a great way of supporting Five N Two Food Pantry!  It’s also a good way to get lots of people aware of and involved in the cause. We’ve put together a FREE Food Drive Promo Kit to help you get started organizing and promoting your food drive.

Download the items you need below:

5n2 Food Drive Promo Kit Instructions

5n2 Food Drive PPT

5n2 Food Drive PPT Background Image

5n2 Food Drive Box Labels

5n2 Food Drive Poster 11×17 Tall

5n2 Food Drive Poster 11X17 Long

5n2 Brochure

5n2 Food Pantry Flier

5n2 Food Drive Insert

There are other pre-packaged food drives you can tap into for resources.

Souper Bowl of Caring

The Souper Bowl of Caring is one such resource.  The Souper Bowl leverages the drawing power of the biggest football game of the year to bring in a huge amount of food for the hungry.  This is an easy add-on to an existing party your group may be throwing.  Check out their resources at

Host A Fundraiser

March Against Hunger

The March Against Hunger is a challenge among local youth groups to see who can raise the most food and funds for the Five N Two in the month of March.  Groups are encouraged to get as creative as they can. Have a yard sale, car wash, or raffle. Organize a talent show, spaghetti dinner, or auction.  Do something that’s never been tried before!

30 Hour Famine

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.  One way they work towards this goal is by organizing 30 Hour Famine.  In this event, students are challenged to go without food for 30 hours to identify with poverty, and raise funds to fight it.

If your group hosts a 30 Hour Famine, consider sending your money in to World Vision and bringing your food donations to the Five N Two.

Please check out our Events page for other fundraisers that are going on in your area. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.