Five N Two Food Pantry: Serving Harnett County’s Hungry
The mission of our food pantry is simple: We feed the hungry in Harnett County.
The Five N Two food pantry was established in 2008 originally as Martha’s Place. In 2016 we became our own 501(c)3 non-profit with the sole purpose of feeding the hungry within our county.
On the main page:
In 2024, we served 1,436 families in need multiple times throughout the year passing out over 14,560 boxes of food.
These boxes contained meat, produce, and non-perishable items. Our mission succeeds because of dedicated people – individuals like you that dedicate themselves to feeding the hungry and improving our community.
Harnett County Statistics according to Feeding America Profile 2021-2022
- County Population: 139,235
- 14% are food insecure (18,430 people)
- 20% of children under 18 are food insecure (6,990 children)
- 59% of children receiving free/reduced school meals
Are You a Family or Individual that Needs Help?
If you are in need of food or some necessary supplies, we greet all of our families with open arms. All the information you need to seek assistance can be found here.
How Can You Help Feed the Hungry of Harnett County?
We are looking for dedicated volunteers with a passion for people to help on the days we are open. We hope to get a large enough volunteer base that we would ask only one day per month from our volunteers, however, if you have a desire to give more time, we welcome the assistance. We always need donations of can goods, dry goods, or produce from your garden and as all non-profits, your cash donations will be put to good use in purchasing food and keeping our food collection truck running. We have partnership programs for regular monthly giving. If you are interested in helping our community fight hunger, reach out to us today and learn more about how you can contribute to providing our community the nourishment it needs to thrive.
If you are interested in donating, please go to our donations page and use our secure donations PayPal account to donate. Or you can mail a check or money order to our main office at Post Office Box 185, Olivia, NC 28368. We appreciate anything that you can spare, big or small. All donations go directly to our efforts. All donations are tax-deductible, and we mail tax receipts at the end of the year.
Why is it Called the Five N Two Food Pantry?
Luke Chapter 9 sets the stage for the scene. After a day full of healing and teaching, the disciples told Jesus they needed to send the people, a crowd of people, away so they could find food. Knowing in His heart how He would provide for the people, He told the disciples, “You give them something to eat”.
Stunned, the disciples looked on. They had no way of coming up with the funds to purchase enough bread for the 5,000+ people. From somewhere in the crowd, Andrew finds a young boy that has a small lunch with him. The meal was five loaves of bread and two fish. Not enough food to share with a friend, let alone thousands of people.
Jesus took the child’s meal, blessed it, and miraculously those five small loaves and two fish multiplied to feed 5,000 families. Not only that, there was an abundance of food leftover. There was so much in fact, 12 baskets of food were left over. But it was still up to the disciples to feed the people. They took the basket that Jesus blessed and walked among the people giving each individual enough to not only be content but to be full.
We are the disciples, and God is still calling us today saying, “you give them something to eat.” We believe that God knows how He will meet the needs of the people of Harnett County – but it is up to us to distribute the food. It is such a blessing to be an instrument of God to our community. But we need your help. Will you answer God’s call and reach out to feed those in need?
How do we provide food to the community?
The Five N Two relies on the generosity of those in our community. Through a variety of means, the community provides food and monetary donations to keep the pantry stocked. Here are some of the ways in which our community has provided for us:
- Throughout the week, we have a food truck that makes runs to different grocery stores in our area. These stores provide us with fruits, vegetables, meats, and other foods.
- Several times a year, we organize fundraisers in the community.
- We shop for any needed food when our shelves get bare between food drives.
- Individuals come into the pantry every week to make donations. Some people give money, and others donate food items.
- Different organizations in our area put together food drives or fundraisers in our honor.
How Can You Help?
- A monetary donation in any amount helps tremendously. Like any household, we have to pay the electric bill, and put gas in the truck, and pay for insurance. Also, the building and all administration are donations, so 100% of all donations goes directly into the work of feeding the hungry. All donations are tax-deductible too.
- Create a fundraiser within your church or civic group. Moreover, there are so many talented people and ways that you can help; let your imagination be your compass to guide your good deed.
- Donate your time. Our truck operates 5 days a week. Three days a week we are open to customers, and they always need help shopping.
- The very best way to help financially is with a monthly donation! Encourage your church to write Five N Two into the budget for a monthly amount. Individuals can donate automatically each month online!
It takes the entire community for the pantry to meet the needs of those around us. We are so thankful to the organizations and individuals that support the ministry.
Contact Five N Two Food Pantry to Learn More. We Thank You For Your Support!